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Talk to her and learn about the missing son. Around this time your emissary will hassle you about the trivial matter of Oleg's taxes - it seems that the rascal has neglected to pay them. Just south of them is a hidden chest with some minor loot. It seems that the merchant Enneo has a dagger that belonged to her. Backtrack to where the slope forked and go right. By the way, even if you dont save the boy, you will still need to talk to her and tell her about the tragedy. You also have a bunch of items to sell to Storyteller in the throne room. Climb back down from this area and go immediately south. STR: 10, DEX: 18, CON: 18, INT: 10, WIS: 14, CHA: 10. Since you're in the area, it would be rude to refuse. Go in there both to rest and to buy the Onslaught Gauntlets for Dragn. Finally, you will have a decision to make about the girl's fate. Note that if you do not order him to stop, you may be able to recruit him as an advisor later. Halfway along the northern wall is a trapped and locked (DC22) with more unimportant stuff. In the square, Linzi will introduce you to Tessie the Quill, a merchant who sells books. Choose either of the first options (thanks, Ekundayo) and you'll move onto another page. On the other side, you will be attacked by a pair of Will-o'-Wisps. You may want to rest here if you used up valuable abilities in the Monster Den. There are enemies in the courtyard below which Ekundayo can take care of. I really disliked something that comes up later: (spoiler inc obviously) During the operation on the woman to remove her seed, you can ask bartholomew to drop by and the game then tells you "the mad sadistic mage bartholomew is here for some reason" <thats literally what it says. You will find the thief, Kergan, trying to palm the armour off to a seller. Open it up for a unique suit of armour, Blessed Path, and a large quantity of gold. Visit him during Season of Bloom, If you annoyed him by insisting to stop his experiments, he will be preparing to leave and has reset. Return to the world map where you will see the new locations that Ekun pointed out. The trolls and kobolds are arguing over spoils and one of the kobolds produces the whip that Bartholomew was after. Pathfinder: Kingmaker - Wikipedia After defeating them, you may want to use Inspire Competence because there are a number of high DC checks in this room. Return to the trail and continue east at the junction. Next, you will have to return to Bartholomew to help him in the battle against trolls (go to the Lone House location). When they're dead, loot a Masterwork dagger and Amulet of Natural Armor +2 from the lost sister. Talk to him to begin this quest. Take them out as a priority and get your squishier characters out of the line of fire. Or lie. Finally, discover an animal path near the northern exit. Continue further east and fight your way past another two bandits to a bandit Conjurer. Hug the left of the path and you will find a container filled with scrolls and minor loot by the water. Turn your attention to the Owlbear which is still all but impossible to target from this side. What you find when you emerge depends on how you resolved matters with Tartuk and Hargulka. Or Acid trophy and you will get to speak to him. Go inside. Help them and find out about a mage living nearby. They're not hostile, so position your characters strategically and speak to Ivar who will promptly change into a wolf himself. Summon Kanerah again and have her make Mobility checks to get back up to the tower and down again for a few free XP. For the last bit of back-and-forth, return to Nazrielle to complete the quest. Speak to them and you will have options to save them (or not). Shaynih'a will ask you to visit her to update her artisan quest as well. Go west from where you fought the Nereid. Be sure to buy the Bag of Holding in his stock - you should easily have enough gold. You will have a number of options to deal with him. There are two Fighters, an Alchemist, a Rogue and a Bard. The house to the east belongs to Kaessi; go in there to update the Sorrowflow companion quest. Agree to look for the boy to receive Loyalty +1. You will be confronted by the troll leader, Hargulka. An alternative is to have Linzi engage Inspire Courage before you approach Sinnet and his crew. Back in the previous room, there is a nook in the far wall with a Torag's Pendant and some scrolls. Continue east and you will run into two low-level bandits. He gives you the key to his laboratory and tells you to wait for him. Pay attention to the Sniper at the back of the group because it is somewhat dangerous. Before leaving, help yourself to provisions and minor loot from the containers in the hut. If you are a melee-capable character, arm yourself with the Cold Iron Dagger since the Redcaps have 60HP and DR 10/cold iron. If you have any throne room events pending (for example, advisor rank-up events), go there and deal with them. There is minor loot in the container to the left of the door. Join. Continue west and you will see Mud Bowl to the south. You should have six or seven days until you need to pay attention to an Ancient Curse and four or five days until Bokken's Alchemical Workshop is complete. You can follow the corridor round if you want - there are a few enemies to kill and traps to remove but also some doors that you can't open at this point. Firstly, he provides redundancy in the Grand Diplomat post. He sells a unique handaxe but I would save your money. Head through the door on the right to reach another balcony. Continue north and observe that the footprints change. Tell them to think for themselves. Search the ground a short distance ahead for some gold, gems and the Chaos Shard dagger. When you reach the junction that goes south to the Bridge Over the Gudrun River, head northeast instead. The biggest threat is a level 7 Transmuter who will Haste his allies and then Slow you. Return to the throne room and look for someone named "Storyteller" in the bottom left corner of the room. Show him the coins you gathered from the Ancient Will-o'-Wisp and his pals for an XP reward. The ghost will say that it cant fall asleep because of the lights visible in the well. Just kill him and be done with it. He's not very tough and drops a Masterwork handaxe. There are a couple of loot stashes here, one of which is locked (DC21). The latter is quite powerful and uses Rapid Shot so take it out as a priority. He will want to wait a while to ambush some trolls who come this way. Further in, there is a trap (DC21) on the floor. When they're dead, you can grab a Token of the Dryad from nearby. The area is littered with traps. Hello, crusaders! Be careful that you don't run into them. Search for a hidden cache in the rubble nearby for a Torag's Pendant. Assuming you killed Hargulka, you can loot his remains for some very decent stuff: the unique Mallet of Woe, a Belt of Physical Might +4 and the Iron Dwarven Key which will allow you to open the remaining doors in the complex. Do not take the Neutral Good choice - it will cost you your rope! Just south of the bandits is a log containing minor loot. They do lots of damage, have high AC, DR 15/adamantine, breathe out poison gas and are immune to almost everything. You should have two relic sets (helmet shards and soot-blackened tools) to give to the Storyteller to receive the Trailblazer's Helm and a decent chunk of gold and XP. When they're dead, look around to spot a pair of hunters trapped on the hilltop. The Guardian will Dimension Door away leaving you to fight her summoned minions. Make a Lore: Nature (DC15) check and you can calm them so that they can help retrieve the cart from the river. Afterwards, search the Sniper's body for the Black Whip. When they're dead, have Kallike use her Water Blast ability on the flames surrounding the trapped Water Elementals to free them. Since he can't harm you (or frighten you), it's just a matter of time. Trolls stand about 14 feet tall, but their hunched postures often make them appear shorter. If you are able to make one of the alignment checks, do so. You might as well sell him back his key (2 gold). Examine the campfire. Return to where you were previously and continue north. They depict the creation of a phylactery for a lich and the lich slaughtering innocents. If you met with Tristian, there will be a new event "Support the Councilor's Endeavors" which takes 14 days and will increase your barony's Loyalty rank. She will now open up - in more ways than one since she will now buy and sell and you probably have plenty of loot to offload. Continue north along the Varnhold border. When they're dead, search the dead body to find two potions of Invisibility (ha! Not yet you're not. After you've cleaned their blood off your blades, loot their camp for some tasty loot including a Phylactery of Negative Channeling and an Arcane Protector dagger. To the south are a group of five Dire Boars. Head across the river and go west to find a couple of Kobold Sentinels fighting an uneven battle against a trio of Ferocious Wolves. There are a number of houses dotted around the square that you can burgle. Upstairs is an easy chest (DC16) containing an Old Diary that you can read. And a material reward if you asked for one. Avoid the traps and slip between the Redcaps as they patrol. There is a mechanism on the floor that you can interact with to cause it to rotate and reveal different symbols. Hit the road again. Return to the entrance to the Troll Lair, buff up and go through. If you choose to wait, three hours will pass after which two Trolls and a Branded Troll appear. Leave your capital and make your way west to a Ford Across the Skunk River. Being able to recruit Bartholomew as an advisor later brings two benefits. If you read the quest description, Linzi will mention bringing a few potions of Invisibility. This encounter will give you the name of the troll leader, Hargulka. Continue east and cross over into Silverstep. It has decent defence and 152HP. Afterwards, give Kanerah the Disk of the Eclipse. If you succeed at a Knowledge (Arcana) check, you will figure that it's an invisible creature controlling the child telepathically rather than a spirit possessing him. Instead, continue northwest where you will find three Ferocious Wolves and a Kobold Sentinel. You can murder hm if you're in the habit of murdering harmless creatures. If you retrieve the armour pieces through intimidation, you can throw Kergan in jail or let him go. Regardless, the quest will be completed, and you will be ordered to return to the barons castle. Pathfinder Kingmaker: Magic Items List (Locations & Effects) ? Your envoy will give you a summary of the current state of your barony. Conclude any business in the capital and make your way to Narlkeep. The Silky spams Hold Person and Hideous Laughter, targeting the character with the lowest will save so kill her as a priority. This time she is accompanied by two Ferocious Hydras and two Nixie Pranksters. Head back to Bartholomew for a chat. Turn around and go south. Give them any new equipment you bought and check spellbooks. When all the wolves are dead, you can find another cache of minor loot in the bushes just above where the path forks. Back down the steps is the entrance to the keep. When they're dead, you can find a Taldan Warrior's Dog Tag among the rocks to the right. Nice thing for a mother to say but it gives you an idea as to where to look. If you take the Chaotic Neutral option and send them to a random place on the map, you will meet them again later. He also drops some decent loot. You also need Delay Poison (Communal) if you don't have it up already. If you killed Tartuk first and are evilly aligned, you can make Hargulka your vassal (or release him) instead. Jazon drops a suit of Hide Armor +3 while the Spark Shaman drops a Belt of Incredible Dexterity +2. Continue north and kill a bunch of Worgs and Greater Worgs. There is a chest to the right of some steps containing a Rusty Dwarven Key along with the Commandant's Journal (First Half). The next room down is used as a larder. Cast Remove Fear before advancing further. Wander among the houses grabbing minor loot from the various containers. It's not on your quest list, but there's something you can unlock now rather than later. Afterwards, loot the dead trolls and then check the boxes and crates by the cart for a Token of the Dryad and various cooking ingredients. Lots of trolls, typically in packs of four. At some point, you will see a notification pop up. These aren't as powerful as Viscount Smoulderburn (they only have AC24 for starters) but they have Natural Invisibility so you will miss frequently due to concealment. Head to the top left corner of the room where you will find three containers with the Commandant's Journal (Second Half) and the Old Dwarven Chest Key. Have your party stand on the sunlit area, unlink Dog and have him go through the door to cause Karga and Agadd to appear. They are almost certainly too powerful for you right now (they're 18th level and you're 8th). Be careful as you make your way down because there is a trap (DC22) at the bottom. Dimwit continues to attack Bartholomew, ignoring everything else. He is a lot more powerful than the average troll. This house belongs to Brevis who is a trader. When traveling to the left of the fortress, you will meet some trolls attacking merchants. Eventually, they will decide to duel. You will find him on the western side of your capital. Bartholomew will join you at this point with information about the trolls' protection. 5. Advance up the path to meet a large group of kobolds head-on: a Boomsayer, Alchemist Master, two Skirmishers and two Snipers. There is another group of Dire Boars further down - this is one dangerous village! Otherwise, level up another advisor. Designed for use with the rules in the Pathfinder Beginner Box and the perfect bridge to the exciting options of the full Pathfinder Core Rulebook, these adventures take your heroes to 4th level and beyond as they venture further into the nearby wilderness and face fearsome foes lurking all too close to home! For the best outcome to Jaethal's character arc, allow the elf girl to die. We'll follow after him later. Keep heading northeast at the crossroads and then turn east. To progress, head through the door to the north of the school room. If you want a bit more treasure, head over to the northeast corner where you will find an Alpha Wolf and a trio of Ferocious Wolves. Head down there and you will come across a group of Bandit Raiders. If he's not disabled, he will get off Enervation which is a pain to heal. Before speaking, you might make a Perception check (DC 20) to notice that he is exhausted. Once you get to the other side, look in the undergrowth to the left for the Cloak of the Winter Wolf. There is a short cut up the slope which requires Lore (Nature) followed by Athletics to negotiate. You can speak to him about what's going on in the village for some interesting background info. Return to the previous room and interact with the switch on the floor. You can also start a project. Tell that the Scythe Tree has been destroyed for an XP reward. You will find Waine among some trees, terrified. If you are unable to recruit him, you can murder him. You'll be attacked by another group of wolves: three Dire Wolves, an Alpha Wolf and a Ferocious Worg. Letting him keep the armour locks you out of Dragn's masterwork for no benefit whatsoever while killing him will cause the quest to fail. In the next room along is a locked chest (DC30) with the Hand of Magus Dann. Head to the world map and make your way to Silverstep Grove. Waine. Don't ignore these altogether because they will get more difficult each time and corrode your barony's stability. Make your way east along the southern part of the settlement and search the rubble next to a dilapidated shrine for a Taldan Warrior's Dog Tag. Talk to Jenna in the upper left corner. Otherwise it's worth a decent amount of gold. Search the box nearby for an Ancient Scrap of Script-Covered Leather (3/16). Head east and continue east past the Lonely Barrow. The most useful consequence of this is that you get to have a merchant in your throne room, albeit a sadist and a degenerate. After you've made your decision, you will figure out that Enneo is probably behind this whole charade. As always when you spend some time on kingdom management, a bunch of things pop up demanding your attention so return to your Throne Room. Enjoy a traditional RPG experience inspired by games like Baldur's Gate, Fallout 1 and 2 and Arcanum. The building will take 10 days to complete so you'll want to do stuff in the meantime. You will find the dog near where Amiri used to train. Try visiting his house before he was in danger (Maybe that would solve it). before heading north. In return for saving their lives, Rook will give you a Gold Cog-wheel Ring and some gold. Before you cross over into the Dire Narlmarches, you'll probably want to rest. There is a locked (DC20) chest in front of the house with some minor loot. This should bring you close to the Hodag Lair. Select "Settlements" and click on Tradegard. You will be reunited with your original party, so you don't have to make your way back to the capital alone. Continue round the corner and kill a Troll and two Trollhounds. All rights reserved. Return to the path and go north to where you were ambushed. Go up the path to meet Sinnet. It seems that Ditael, another of Nazrielle's apprentices, has run off with the weapon that Nazrielle was crafting for you, initiating her artisan quest. Talk to him to begin this quest. Besides a couple of composite bows and a Masterwork longsword, the loot they leave behind is frankly pitiful. Have Ekun cast Aspect of the Falcon and Sense Vitals. This leads to an illustrated book episode. Cast Delay Poison (Communal) on your party and go south. You will be thrown into battle immediately against a Giant Flytrap. Stinking Cloud will disable out the mass of them. Shimmerglow has 136HP and AC27 (after buffing with Shield). Advance towards the rift as you battle these creatures because when you kill the first Greater Giant Spider, a Silky and a Doomspider will emerge from the rift. This will bring Jethal's quest to a conclusion for the time being. Make a note of this location because you will be back here much, much later. Black Whip - Pathfinder: Kingmaker Wiki Terrorizing Tig is a bonus. Well, i trust grand diplomat with back whip. A nervous Linzi suggests that she knows who the culprit might be. Win or lose, Valerie will get something to remember Sinnet by: a scar across her face. Kill the lot of them and open the nearby chest to find the Galt Ragout recipe, a Soot Blackened Brand (2/5) and some gold. You'll find him packing, as it seems the troll menace has grown too great for him to risk. This one, special fish will summon an Ancient Wyvern for you to fight. Move your party to the right of the coffin before you attempt to get the lid off. A little further on is another trap and another patrolling Redcap. Regardless of the outcome, hostilities will ensue. Before you go in, grab provisions from the drying racks and some Masterwork weapons and a Trident +1 from a weapon rack. Initially, only the Young Hydra is in aggro range. Give this task to Tristian (Councilor). Head to the villages entrance and tell the guard you want to talk to the leader. Again you have a number of responses. Head to Narlkeep to speak Shaynih'a. When you get the Lone House, you will find trolls. You're not able to do this if you chose another option earlier. Tartuk will question why you're here killing trolls and kobolds. Ignore him for the moment, because there's stuff to pick up first. Exit the throne room (when interacting with the map inside, you return to the kingdom management screen) and walk around the city until you see the Guardian of the Bloom. To the bottom left of your fortress, there is a special mark shaped like a house Swamp Witchs Hut. There's minor loot to be picked up. You can pick up this quest after you visit Bartholomew during the Nature of the Beast quest. Cast Protection from Acid (Communal) before venturing further into the swamp. Do not worry about it for the time being. We've prepared a hot-fix for Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous - 2.0.7n. There's not really much to see there unless you have a thing for wyverns. Make your way to the area exit. Pathfinder Kingmaker: How To Recruit Advisers (& Which - ScreenRant Suggest that you look for it together and Jubilost will agree to join your party. Defeat all enemies, and if Tig is saved, speak to him. This is the Eight Legged Curse: monstrous spiders emerging from Bald Hill. Soon after this, you will need to meet Ekundayo (refer to the quest A Score to Settle) and Jubilost (Renowned Explorer quest). What you are looking for is a Lizardfolk Village it is also highlighted by a unique marker (to the left of the lake). It seems that trolls are menacing Bartholomew Delgado. Pathfinder: Kingmaker - Troll Trouble Walkthrough After completing the initial quests in your log, you'll enter the free roaming portion of the game with no main quest to take care of for awhile.. You are pretty much home and dry. In the meantime, you can do stuff that you didn't do in the previous chapter - for example, the Tremendous Centipede beneath Old Sycamore if you gave that a wide berth. Jubilost is standing on the near side of the river. Return to your capital and go to the Capital Square. An adult troll weighs around 1,000 pounds. While exploring this area, you will have a fixed encounter at some point. Return to the path and continue south. The round container neat the otther door contains a Taldan Stirrup (1/5) and a Ring of Luck. you can recruit him after side with octavia no worries. Select it and Harrim will call you a blasphemer and strike the anvil a second time, knocking a jewel free. There are plants along here called Mudleaf. A messenger hands you a letter for Valerie. Afterwards, you will have to make an alignment-based choice: Your choice will determine options in a future kingdom event; see here for details. Speak to him and ask to trade stories. He is a rather sketchy individual, but agree to investigate anyway. Interact with the tree and a trio of monsters will be summoned: a Hydra, a Manticore and an Owlbear. Ask why you should show mercy rather than killing him outright and you can get more information out of him. However, not all of them may best suit your realm and leader. The shaman drops a Wand of Bless and a Cloak of Resistance +2. Go to the place where trolls lair is located, enter the fortress and turn left from the first room to find the one who killed Ekundayos family. Troll Lair, First floor (hidden floor . Head south at the first junction and then turn west. Head south to rescue him. Initially, you will be fighting six Giant Spiders. Start making your way back to your capital. You can now unlock the large doors. This brings you out by the Troll Clearing. However, to do anything you need to prise off the lid. What can go wrong, I really disliked something that comes up later: (spoiler inc obviously). F. Lone House - Pathfinder: Kingmaker Walkthrough & Guide - GameFAQs Note that even when you have the BP and a Treasurer, the Trade Agreement with Surtova will almost certainly never pay for itself and pillaging the Temple of the Elk locks you out of a decent kingdom upgrade for marginal benefit., Privacy PolicyCookie SettingsDo Not Sell My InformationReportAd. When you were last here, you were too low-level to tackle this place but it should be manageable now. By the way, do not forget to add the nearest region to your kingdom.