Whether he appears as a whippet-like dog or a man with the head of a jackal, he radiates power and authority. Artemis . For one year, the mother would keep this doll-bundle, much like the soul bundles of the Lakota people. The living members of the Huron gathered together, shared food and stories, and mourned those going to their final resting place. Gods of the seven rivers of the underworld: Asto Vidatu or Astiwihad or Asto-widhatu, death deity (, Guan Yu (note: different from the famous general of three kingdoms), Sang Tongguai, Guardian of the North Gate, Liu Guangzhong, Great God of the Black Fog, Cao Qing, Administer of the Path of Heaven, Tien Yan, Administer of the Path of Ghosts, Cui Cong, Administer of the Path of Earth, Chen De, Administer of the Path of Hungry Ghosts, Gao Ren, Administer of the Path of Beasts, Tagbayan (Ifugao mythology): divinities associated with death that feast on human souls that are guarded by two headed monsters called kikilan, Fulor (Ifugao mythology): a wood carved into an image of a dead person seated on a death chair; an antique which a spirit in it, who bring sickness, death, and unsuccessful crops when sacrifices are not offered, Kabunyan (Kalanguya mythology): the almighty creator; also referred to as Agmattebew, the spirit who could not be seen; the mabaki ritual is held in the deity's honor during planting, harvesting, birth and death of the people, and other activities for livelihood, Binangewan (Aeta mythology): spirits who bring change, sickness, and death as punishment, Aring Sinukan (Kapampangan mythology): sun god of war and death, taught the early inhabitants the industry of metallurgy, wood cutting, rice culture and even waging war, Lakandnup (Kapampangan mythology): serpent goddess who comes during total eclipses; followed by famine; eats a person's shadow, which will result in withering and death; daughter of ring Snukuan and Dpu, Sidapa (Bisaya mythology): the goddess of death; co-ruler of the middleworld called Kamaritaan, together with Makaptan, Sidapa (Hiligaynon mythology): god who lives in the sacred Mount Madia-as; determines the day of a person's death by marking every newborn's lifespan on a very tall tree on Madya-as, Hangin (Hiligaynon mythology): the spirits of the death wind; takes the life of the elderly, Patag'aes (Suludnon mythology): awaits until midnight then enters the house to have a conversation with the living infant; if he discovers someone is eavesdropping, he will choke the child to death; their conversation creates the fate of the child, on how long the child wants to live and how the child will eventually die, where the child will always get to choose the answers; once done, Patag'aes takes out his measuring stick, computes the child's life span, and then departs, sealing the child's fate, Pamulak Manobo (Bagobo mythology): supreme deity who controls good harvest, rain, wind, life, and death; in some myths, the chief deity is simply referred as the male deity, Diwata, Malakal Maut (Maranao mythology): the angel of death; takes the souls of someone after three to seven days from the falling of the person's leaf from the sacred Sadiarathul Montaha tree in the realm called Sorga; appears either a handsome prince or a grotesque monsters, depending if the soul he is getting comes from a sinner or a virtuous person; punishes the souls of sinners until final judgment, while lifting up the souls of the good onto heaven. Apart from knowing that Mictlantecuhtli means ones extinction, he resembles a skeleton. It is Yama, the god of death, who determines the justice that each soul will receive, and their path after they die. Aphrodite: Goddess of love Apollo: God of the sun. After a three-year prison term following an assault conviction, a man known only as Shadow is ready to be released back into society. When it comes to legendary characters, there are many different names for them. Her fashion show turns you a bit green around the gills. They believed that, after death, everyone descended into the underworld. Xibalba even had a supposed physical entrance inside a cave in Belize, which you can visit today if you're feeling particularly brave, according to Archaeology Magazine. Virginity goddess. After the body had some time to decay on its platform, the bonepickers would come and, using their very long fingernails, slowly remove the flesh from the deceased's bones. Native American art,